Calm Inductions Ltd.

Onboarding VS Induction: What is the Difference?

15th JAN 2024

Onboarding and inductions are the same thing, right? Wrong.

Although the two words are used interchangeably by many, they share quite a lot of differences.

Regardless, both processes are incredibly similar and are designed to help new employees assimilate into their new job roles and ensure a smoother transition into the company as well.

This is not to say that neither is important because they very much are; in fact, at the core of every successful company is a streamlined employee integration process, of which both employee induction and onboarding are key components.

While the induction process is the initial step on your new hire's company journey, which typically focuses on the first few days of employment, the onboarding process is a broader approach which extends far beyond an induction.

More often than not, the onboarding process can span several months.

Woman's hand holds pen above binder

What is Onboarding?

Onboarding is the process by which companies welcome and integrate their new hires into the workplace.

The onboarding process extends far beyond the first few days of employment and, in fact, only ends when the employee is fully adapted to the team and the role to which they have been assigned.

Onboarding involves many of the same tasks as an induction.

The difference, however, is that a particular emphasis is placed on the social aspects of the workplace.

This could include meeting colleagues and managers, training on company values, and even mentoring or 'buddy' systems.

man in black suit hands woman in white shirt a piece of paper

What is an Induction?

The induction process is designed to help a new employee assimilate into their new job role within your company.

It is crucial to have a streamlined induction process to allow new starters to grasp the basics, including what the company is, what the workplace culture is like, and what can be expected from them in their new role.

An induction also contains elements that are required by law, specifically your company's health and safety procedures.

It should also include information regarding the work environment and facilities.

Ultimately, an induction should always aid in familiarising new employees with everything they need to succeed in their new role.

woman types on laptop

What are the Benefits?

Employee Engagement

The main benefit of both an effective induction and an effective onboarding process is how combined, they can considerably boost employee engagement within the workplace.

Studies have shown that engaged employees are found to be more productive, have higher job satisfaction, and are more committed to the company.

A streamlined induction and onboarding process will help employees feel more valued and prepared within the workplace, and with this understanding, they will be better equipped to perform their tasks to a high standard.

Low Turnover Rate

Induction and onboarding processes that are efficient can have a significant impact on employee retention.

A lack of orientation and training is one of the leading causes of new employees leaving a company shortly after beginning employment.

Yet, by investing in these processes, you can help to clarify job expectations, provide valuable resources, and build a sense of familiarity for your workforce.

Improved Productivity

When implementing a streamlined induction and onboarding process, you have the opportunity to significantly improve your employees' productivity.

This may be achieved by providing clear rules and guidelines, training, and support.

With all of these different avenues available to them, your new employee is bound to become an effective contributor to your company in no time.

Building Relationships and Values

An effective induction and onboarding process can help build a strong relationship between your new employees, their managers, and their colleagues.

Alongside this, they can also aid in reinforcing company values.

An understanding of these values will allow new employees to get a grasp on the work ethics and behaviour expected within the workplace culture and, in turn, help foster a sense of loyalty and belonging.

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