Calm Inductions Ltd.

Benefits of Health and Safety Induction Training

22nd JUL 2021

What are the benefits?

It is vitally important that anyone who is going to be visiting your site undergoes a formal health and safety induction process before commencing any work activities on the site. This is not only from a compliance perspective but it also ensures the safety and security of the personnel and property on your premises. A good induction should contain site-specific information, and safety practices relating to the company.

Bound by the Health and Safety at Work Act, employers must ensure the safety of personnel working on their site. Having a thorough induction process allows your company to outline the key safety features for the site, and also allows them to outline to the inductees what is expected of them to contribute to the safety culture when working on their site.

A key advantage of a formal health and safety induction is ensuring compliance with the CDM Regulations. Ensuring that all new personnel are inducted proves that the company has done everything possible to keep the inductee safe whilst working on their site. This becomes important on the small chance of an accident occurring on your site. If there was some information missing from the induction, or if there was never an induction given your company would be held liable!

Online Health and Safety Inductions 

In a world before COVID-19, online inductions were a major advantage as they saved numerous man-hours for managers, or safety coaches as they are no longer required to carry out the inductions and they can get on with carrying out their normal duties.

Another key advantage is that online induction creates a digital footprint and stores key information such as who was inducted when they were inducted, what was covered in the induction, medical histories (the list goes on), all available at the click of a button instead of searching through bulky filing systems.

Uphold your company's reputation

Accidents and incidents are rare due to the safety culture we have set ourselves in recent times through strong and detailed health and safety induction.

However, should the unthinkable happen, an online induction process will save your company a lot of time during any investigation, as all the information given to everyone inducted will be covered on the system.

Having an up-to-date record of completion and which inductions have been undertaken online rather than struggling to find pieces of paper can also cover your organisation from a legal perspective. 

A company which has a streamlined and effective health and safety induction process will with no doubt instil confidence in any person who is beginning work or a visit to your site. Making it clear that adhering to health and safety is at the forefront of your organisation will stand you in good stead for future relationships. 

Utilising an online induction process such as ours here at Calm Inductions can eliminate the issues that may arise with the need for multilingual processes. It is vital that anyone accessing your site has fully understood any information which they have been given and it has been correctly translated into their language. This process means that you can work with expert individuals from across the world, no matter their first language. 

If you would like some advice on how to navigate your induction processes through the coronavirus pandemic, then get in touch with our knowledgeable team today. You can contact us on 01642 903030, email us at [email protected] or fill out our online form.  

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Company Reg. No. 9931473
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